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Defining Your Voice on Social Media

Defining Your Voice on Social Media

Aug 3, 2015
Categories: Vizoop

Defining your voice on social media is a major part of branding your business online.

Users don’t want brands talking at them as if they are dollar signs. They want authentic communication and real relationships. You must ‘date’ your users, get to know them, grow the relationship; not just run off, commit and get married before you even get to know them.

Defining your voice and communicating with your audience is the first step. Below I’ve provided a check list we use for every client. Its helps us get to know and define the brand and stay consistent over social channels.

Essentially, there is one voice for your brand and many tones that refine that voice. The voice is a mission statement. Tone is the application of that mission.

Download our handy checklist that can help you define your social media voice.

Once you find a voice and tone for your brand, keep it authentic and consistent.

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